
iPod Video Resetting

My iPod has recently taken to resetting when I try to play some of my recently downloaded podcasts. When I attempt to play then it seems to crash, rebooting. I see the apple logo, but I don't hear anything of the podcast. I have discovered that if I turn off the Eq feature then all is well. This only happens on certain tracks, and is always at the beginning. It makes me wonder if there is a bad frame or two on the front that causes the equaliser to break.

There's something to look at later.


Napster reinvented

Napster is taking on Apple. It has a new subscription model which makes it much cheaper to fill up your iPod. By paying every month you can download many tracks. In the US, and perhaps in the UK they even give you a basic MP3 player to get you started.


Dual Boot your iPod

Some of the Linux Community are working hard on producing a version of Linux for the iPod.
Although this might not to be really that useful for most, but ultimately it might. It creates a platform to create and make applications, including support for other file formats and interfaces. There is no real support for the fifth-generation (Colour) iPod yet.

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