
The origins of skiing

In the northern most reaches of China, bordering, Russia, Mongolia, and Kazahkstan are the Altai mountains. The nomadic peoples of these maintains have been skiing for many centuries, perhaps longer. There is evidence that skiing may have originated in central Asia thousands of years ago. Nils Larsen has produced a film called Journey to the Source documenting how the peoples make skis and use them in everyday life.

Excerpt from Nils Larsen's Journey to the Source on the roots of skiing in China's Altai region.


Social Networking for Travellers

I've just read an interesting article in the Guardian in which the travel journalist Emily Baker puts some social networking sites for tourists through their paces: Going local. She gives a run-down of the social networking sites at the end of the article, here is some of it:

For meeting someone on a flight

Flight over booked?

I've just been reading some interesting facts about your entitlement if your flight is overbooked. You are entitled in European Law to:

  • A full refund (with a free flight back to your point of departure where relivant)


  • Alternative transport with free refreshments, meals, accomedation, travel to and from the accomedation and two free telephone calls.

This is on top of compensation, payable in either case:

  • 250 euro for flights of 1,500 km or less
  • 400 euro for longer flights within the EU and other flights between 1,500 and 3,500 km
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