Submitted by Andy Gavin on Wed, 2005-11-23 15:34
Bespoke Software Development
Unix-based Development
I have a strong background in Unix-based development from low level assembly level, C, C++, through to shell-scripting. Majority of experience has been involving writing protocols on-top of TCP/IP but also numerically intensive algorithms where C++ represents a faster option.
Java Enterprise Development
Here the right tool needs to be selected for the job, Enterprise developement in Java might not always mean the use of J2EE. Previous work includes exposing buisness functions through webservices using JAX-WS, web frontends (depending on the required user experience) and bespoke services in J2SE cut down to run quickly.
Java Desktop Development
Development of desktop based GUIs in swing.
Unix system support/Optimization
Taking existing architectures and determining bottlenecks in processing. Often improvements to the software can be suggested which might include better sizing or reducing the system-time. In complex systems it is often about prioritizing resources on the machines involved removing unessecary processes.
Software Architecture
Experience in architecture of enterprise applications and high-transaction systems. Clean API design.
Configuration Management
Build and release management: including the benefits of distributed configuration management over centralised configuration management.
You can look at my LinkedIn profile here.
Contact me for a fuller CV.